Computer Operators
Current Computer Operator List for each team
48 Hours Prior to Each Meet
The Computer Operator from each competing team is responsible for submitting to the JSL the following information:
- Your Meet Entry Files (Swim Meet Entry file (REQUIRED), Roster File (REQUIRED), Exhibition List with team name, Special Requirements with team name, etc.) go to the webmaster. Important Note: to avoid on-time delivery issuesand possible penalties, please use the Meet Entries Upload page (PREFERRED). Upload each file one at a time. All uploads are time and date stamped by the JSL server proving required on-time delivery. The JSL will not accept unverifable claims of proper on-time delivery. Important Note: email has proven to be unreliable and you would need to personally verify actual on-time delivery to avoid penalties.
Important Notes:
- Your Meet Entry files and the files of the opposing team(s) will be posted on the JSL website and made available to all other computer operators/coaches at the same time. You will be able to access the files from the Meet Entries page with the links to the files activated as soon as possible after the 9:00 PM deadline has passed.
- Any team submitting meet entries that arrive late on the JSL server or the Webmaster's email (after 9:00 PM, 48-hours prior to the scheduled meet) will be subject to a 50-point penalty.
- Unable to submit the data on time? Then contact the webmaster prior to the deadline to discuss the situation. Appeals will be considered for all situations beyond the reasonable control of the parties involved. Avoid penalties by communicating with us in advance of the deadline.
- Changes to the inital file(s) can be submitted right up to the deadline. All changes made to the file(s) after the deadline are considered to be late and subject to the 50-point penalty.
On Completion of Each Meet
- MEETRESULTS (COMMLINK) file of your Team Manager Database (REQUIRED) go to Locke Boyer, JSL Registrar, by:
- Uploading (PREFERRED) the MEETRESULTS file to the JSL server from the Meet Results Upload page. All uploads are time and date stamped by the JSL server proving required delivery.
- Or by optionally hand delivering a floppy disc with the required file to the Farmington Pool to Locke's attention. Important Note: to avoid on-time delivery issues, please use the Meet Results Upload page.
- Or by optionally emailing to Locke at Locke Boyer. Important Note: email has proven to be unreliable.
- A BACKUP of the Meet Manager Swim Meet Backup file (REQUIRED) by:
- Uploading (PREFERRED) the Swim Meet Backup file to the JSL server at the Meet Results Upload page. All uploads are time and date stamped proving required delivery.
- Or by optionally emailing the Swim Meet Backup file to the the JSL Webmaster. Important Note: email has proven to be unreliable.
Software or Computer assistance is available by contacting:
- Jessica Simons at 295-1582, e-mail Jessica Simons (MM & TM Software) using this method.
- Steven Miller, e-mail Steven Miller (Computers)